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solid personal skills

become valuable to everyone

Growing numbers of people have personal abilities that are not being well-developed at home, in schools, in the workplace, and in our communities.  These abilities include making quality choices, thinking about solving problems, interacting with others, communicating effectively, and more.  Underdeveloped personal abilities are of no value to anyone.

Personal abilities need to be purposely developed into solid personal skills for each of us to be valuable to ourselves and to others.  By making the teaching, training, and learning of personal skills less complicated and more trustworthy, we can solve many of today’s problems directly connected to increasingly poor personal skill levels.

Main Street Pilot has created new, original, innovative educational and training concepts and developmental frameworks to help educators, employers, and skill companies more effectively transform the personal abilities of their learning audiences into valuable personal skills.


Many administrators and teachers are expert in hard skill curriculum and have plentiful access to hard skill teaching content. Hard Skills

As the demand for personal skill competence development is increasingly placed on educators, they are hard pressed to find personal skill concepts and teaching frameworks that they can put into use quickly, seamlessly, and cost effectively.


Employers have expanded development investment beyond hard skills into ethics, team play, and leadership, also known as soft skills. Soft Skills

With new hire and management shortages of soft skill competence, employers are exposed to bottom line losses without new soft skill training concepts and frameworks that can be leveraged efficiently, broadly,  and cost effectively.

Skill Companies

Providers of training and development programs or services are also handicapped by a lack of personal skill education and training concept innovation.

The shortages of personal skills pressuring educators, employers, and communities is an accelerating opportunity for skill development companies who want to be known for more than leadership development and ethics compliance.


the best outcomes

We named our company with the idea of positively impacting every life that crosses Main Street.  Our research and product development strategy became focused on enabling the personal skills necessary to take more control of a positive personal or professional journey across Main Street, at home, in school, at work, and in the community.

Because pilots are developed and trained with the responsibility for positive outcomes in life-and-death situations every day, and they know how to take control of a journey, we modeled our progressive personal skill development concepts with selected pilot training methodologies in mind.

more about us

560% better

for everyone

There has been a ton of research completed seeking to determine the value of personal skills in comparison to hard skills, STEM, etc., because hard skill focus in education and training Is not addressing the persistent and growing interrelational problems.

Harvard University, the Carnegie Institute, and Stanford Research shows that 85% of success is directly connected to well-developed personal skills. Called a Soft Skills Disconnect, these abilities, when developed into skills, are 5.6 times more impactful than hard skills.

Google invested heavily in Project Aristotle to understand how to develop the best performing teams after Project Oxygen focused on how to develop the best performing managers.  What became a consistent conclusion is that the individual’s personal skills, if underdeveloped, were the missing link to more success.

let's do your math


to teach and learn

We concluded that more money and attention is spent on hard skill development because getting to personal skill competency has been historically tricky, complicated, emotional, ever changing.  No one wants to admit that they can’t effectively teach personal skills.  However, most educators and trainers cannot with the concepts and methodologies in place today.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) agrees that personal skills are the hardest to teach and, increasingly, the hardest to find (HR’s Hard Challenge).  We like to ask the question, “What would it mean individually and collectively if personal skills were easier to teach and easier to acquire?” Amazing would become more possible and predictable in all that we do!

let's make this easier


personal skills discoveries

Our professional backgrounds prepared us to look at the hurdles standing in the way of teaching and learning personal skills by going to the root cause(s) of the problem.  We arrived at a list of six universal problems that had not been clearly identified nor solved broadly in the skills industry before.

If we could “solve the six” in a cost effective and agreeable way, we could disrupt huge industries in a positive and profitable way.  More significantly, “solve the six” represented an opportunity to contribute in new ways to bring the best out of populations both professionally and personally in exciting ways.

Contact us directly if you are interested in learning about how to “solve the six” in your curricula, programs, or service products.

let's solve your six


with confidence

Building anything without a foundation is almost impossible. Personal skills are the same. The challenge for educators, employers, and skill companies is that consistent, foundational skills are missing within their audiences. Sustainable personal skill knowledge transfer is becoming impossible.

A progressive skill development methodology that quickly establishes agreeable and trustworthy concept foundations is critical for developmental success.  One of our example foundations is to reject anything that is not in pursuit of better outcomes in a self-respecting or honorable way.  Behavior changes when everyone is standing on solid ground that is easy to understand and simple to confirm.

let's stand together

the right ability

everyone's aptitude

Success as a result of well-developed personal skills is best categorized as “doing the right thing.”  Do the right thing personally or professionally and good things happen.  Simple idea, disappointing results. This is an example of a key personal skills concept that we have solved in innovative ways.

This common idea can be extremely difficult to define, teach, practice, or get motivated around.  Our personal skill concepts include taking the universal ability to know the difference between wrong and right and developing right into a directional compass of tangible personal and professional value.

point us towards you


for teachers, trainers, developers & learners

Building hard skill confidence and competence can often progress via simple repetition, application, and testing.  Personal skills are notorious for being too vague, subjective, philosophical, and unmeasurable for the satisfaction of hard skill development professionals and experts.

Personal skill confidence and competence now is shaping up to become repeatably progressive with microlearing, visible through directed applications, and scored in unique ways to measure and demonstrate progress. Not everyone has the aptitude for all hard skills.  Everyone has the aptitude for personal skill confidence and competence.

we have what it takes


from untapped sources of value


Investment in education and training comes with some or very clear expectations of return on investment (ROI). Taxpayers expect educated kids. Employers expect bottom line improvement. Parents often expect children to do more or better than they have themselves.  Social, cultural, financial, and political behavior suggests that the ROI on today’s education and training spending has personal skills investment underperforming.

By leveraging the original and proprietary personal skills concept frameworks from Main Street Pilot, new and refreshing opportunities to improve performance against your expectations of ROI are made possible. Positive growth can be newly organized and we can prove it together.


new possibilities

in control

of thinking and thought development


Main Street Pilot has discovered and addressed the impact of “confusion in thinking” as a primary driver of being in control or out of control. “In control” suggests that a person is not afraid of what might be ahead and has a reasonable opportunity to navigate a situation with a positive outcome.

Thinking is influenced heavily by developmental language and teaching or training vocabulary.  In the United States, personal skill confusion is introduced through the misuse or incorrect application of key concept language and vocabulary. By taking control of developmental language in critical concepts, teaching and learning can become highly impactful quickly, and can have direct effect on positive behaviors.


let's talk


is a beautiful thing

Your learning audiences have expectations of you and you of them. Transforming an ability into an improved or solid skill is often the universal expectation, goal, or hope.  Successful transformation of personal abilities to personal skills for today’s modern audience has introduced complexities on both sides of the developmental relationship that need to be solved and simplified.

Main Street Pilot is expert at understanding and structuring its original key developmental concepts and strategies to enhance your curricula, programs, or products.  We work closely with your developers and leaders to find the best approach to accelerating and sustaining new personal skill development ROI for teachers, trainers, and audiences alike.

let's get moving